lunes, 20 de agosto de 2007

Tune out of the world?

(Tema 1.2, ver programa)

+ Preguntas de David Nye (Technology Matters. Questions to Live With):
  1. Can we DEFINE technology?
  2. Does technology CONTROL us?
  3. Is technology PREDICTABLE?
  4. How do HISTORIANS understand technology?
  6. Sustainable ABUNDANCE, or ecological CRISIS?
  7. WORK: More, or Less? Better, or Worse?
  8. Should THE MARKET select technologies?
  9. More SECURITY, or escalating DANGERS?

"Faith is an invention
when gentlemen can see-
But the microscopes are
prudent in an Emergency"
Emily Dickinson
+ Tecnología y Representación
  • [Revolución Científica: Telescopio ---- relación directa con percepción; Instituciones, ciencia y difusión del conocimiento; Cambio de Paradigmas]
  • El proceso de (re)interpretación implica el sacrificio de otras formas de entendimiento.
  • Keep up with information flows? [ Neil Stephenson, Snow Crash ---- Infoxication ---- METAVERSE]
  • Can we tune out of the world?
  • Where are Leisure, privacy, and personal space? [Deleting Online Predators Act; "Electronic Traces" - Barabási, Lessig, etc...]
  • "Single task as industrial logic" (188) [Samuel Butler, Erewhon]
"During the last quarter century machines have been carried to the furthest village in the country. Telephones, the telegraph, mechanical devices...yet what man thinks tenderly of his cream separator?" The Nation, 1927 (188-189) /// "Henry Ford...alone won the hearts of his costumers" (189)

  • "As people weave particular machines into the texture of everyday life, they cease to be the center of conscious attention" (189)
  • Artificial como naturalizado ---- "Technology is man´s reaction" Ortega y Gasset ---- Control de recursos.
+ Technical Objects & Procedures
  • ["Technological Objects are always mundane", TL Taylor, Play Between Worlds]
  • Music Records (190-191): Analogic amplification & Digital transformation (beyond mere reproduction ---- sound enhancement) [Lisa Gitelman, Always Already New: Media, History and the Data of Culture]
  • "The Machine Stops" E.M. Forster [¿...sin información de un día para otro...?]
  • "The Electronic Hermits" [Peer-to-Peer networking; Developer´s communities]
  • "Puting creation to a use" Max Frisch; Heidegger ---- la tecnología transforma el carácter. Albert Borgman: sharp dichotomy between the surface and the increasing unfamiliar machinery beneath it ---- black boxes [Magia] [Ian Bogost, Simulation Gap]. "The Internet has challenged the holistic view of the self" (Allucquére Rosanne Stone)/// [Sherry Turkle ---- The persons are not fragmented from each other, or are they?]
  • Inteligencia Artificial [Turing Test]; Adroids and Cyborgs [Donna Haraway, A Cyborg Manifesto ---- género; William Gibson, Neuromancer --- cyberspace]
"Neurological replication of personal experience" [Mundos digitales]
"One need not to be a be a trained philosopher to grasp the difference between building a wood fire and relying on automatic heating" (207).